25 Years Ago, I Got Bar Mitzvahed

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I was Bar Mitzvahed on June 17, 1989, at Shaare Tefila when it was still in Silver Spring. I even remember the first couple of verses from my haftorah, Naso. Rest in peace to the man who prepared me, Cantor Gershon Levin, who died this past Memorial Day.

Cantor Gershon Levin
Cantor Gershon Levin.

The photos of my family and I on the bima at Shaare Tefila were taken, I believe, a day earlier.

The Two Jakes

I’ve had two cats named Jake. The first was one my parents got before I was born. He had a brother named Theodore.

In 1992, after Jake and Theodore died, my cousin Matt brought home another all-black cat. Since the second one looked so much like the first, we just kept the name.

The first Jake.
The first Jake kept that collar on. The other didn’t.
Jake I.
The first Jake lived more than 15 years.
The second Jake.
Zach pets the second Jake.
The second Jake.
The second Jake as a kitten.
In 1994, Jake got some company when we got our beagle, Daisy.
In 1994, Jake got some company when we got our beagle, Daisy.
I’m not sure if he liked it when I did this, but he stayed there long enough for a couple of photos and didn’t scratch me.
Jake once kicked my grandmother out of this seat by climbing up behind her and making noise on the wooden blinds. She still talks about it to this day.
Jake died in 2008 at the age of 16, just like the other Jake.

A Narcissistic Killer and Moronic Responses

I read next to nothing about the murders that Elliot Rodger committed this past week. He’s another in a long line of delusional creeps who takes out his frustrations on the world in the most despicable way possible. In fact, just now, I had to Google his name just so I could write that first sentence. So why am I writing about this guy? There have been plenty of spree killers before him, and the public responses are often similar. I’m writing because I read responses to this particular case, which I feel have taken bad arguments to a whole new level.

Any time a spree killer, such as Seung-Hui Cho at Virginia Tech, goes on a rampage, the arguments are typically about gun control (and mental health). I stay out of those as I’ve yet to see a single obvious solution to this issue. This time, because of Rodger’s ‘manifesto’ and video, the response wasn’t just about gun control (after all, he killed three people with a knife – a major blow to those who simply wanted to use this case to argue for more gun control), but about sexism and misogyny.

Suddenly, certain folks, my Washington Post co-workers included, decided to use THIS incident to stand on a soap box and shout through the megaphone about sexism. These murders are society’s fault because society and movies are sexist!

I often find that keeping things simple is the best response to arguments by divisive ‘activists’ who are looking to re-ignite discussions after isolated, tragic incidents.

This guy (I forgot his name already and don’t care to look it up again) is just another in a long line of narcissistic spree killers. To use him as an example for how sexist this world can be is like using a 1500-pound man as an example for the obesity epidemic. These writers and Tweeters are using the killer’s ramblings as ‘proof’ to show how awful ALL WOMEN have it in this world. I’m not arguing that sexism and misogyny don’t exist, I’m simply stating that using him as a catalyst to complain about it is illogical, especially when real victims of his crimes – those who were killed and injured – have it much worse (not to mention those in mourning).

As for the killer himself, here’s what I know. He was lonely. He felt left out. He felt that he was owed a better life involving being around people (particularly, hot women). He went to parties just to see how things worked out for other people, but for him it never worked. (He was also a psychopath, and you know the rest of the story.)

Lots of people go through this (not the psychopath part). There is no shortage of socially awkward people (not just men – women too) who just can’t catch a break and enjoy life with the right people. That’s just how it is (or – more likely to be) in this day and age. Perhaps it was different decades ago, especially in certain areas, when people didn’t have their noses buried in smartphones and people were actually trying to socialize and find someone to marry before the age of 30. How things came to be, particularly in the U.S., is a much greater discussion.

For the sake of this argument, it is true that single, bitter men who want nothing more than company – or at best a family of their own – MAY blame modern feminism for making these natural goals more difficult (which does not automatically make them misogynists). I’d say the killer felt the same way, only to take it much further with disgusting statements that no civilized person agrees with, and then several extreme steps further to the point where he murdered people over it.

It’s quite clear to me that instead of having this incident be used as another example in the never-ending discussion about gun control and mental health, the killer’s extreme and delusional statements are simply being used as an example for angry people to express their frustration about what they perceive to be obstacles in their own lives. Let’s just hope none of them take that to the next level and go on a shooting spree, too.

35 Years Ago…

I celebrated my third birthday. I know there is video somewhere, but here are the photos I recently found. Click on the images to enlarge.