If ‘Entourage’ Met ‘Sex and the City’

Since its debut, HBO’s Entourage was called Sex and the City for men. While I don’t find that at all to be true, it makes you wonder what would happen if the characters from Entourage met the girls from Sex and the City (back when they were single and not strutting around in bad movies).

Here is a rough outline of the script.

Vince After a flirtatious introduction, Vince and Samantha walk out of the club and hook up in the limo. Samantha then tries to be Vince’s publicist. Samantha
Eric Eric and Charlotte start a serious relationship. Eric proposes and Charlotte eagerly accepts. But Eric still has feelings for his ex-girlfriend, Sloan, and is tempted to cheat, while Charlotte demands to have a baby. Charlotte
Drama Drama and Carrie get into an on-again, off-again relationship and constantly complain to their friends about their relationship problems. Carrie
Turtle Miranda rejects Turtle several times, then has mercy sex with him. Then a child. Miranda
Ari Ari hires Anthony as his new secretary. Only, Anthony doesn’t take crap like Lloyd did, so he kicks Ari in the nuts and quits. Anthony
Paula Paula gets into a cat fight with Samantha over publicist issues. Turtle films it and puts it on YouTube. The video becomes an Internet sensation. Samantha
Lloyd Lloyd meets Stanford. After dating for a few weeks, they have an awkward moment when they learn that they’re both, um… ‘pitchers.’ The relationship ends. Stanford
Mrs. Ari Mrs. Ari leaves Ari for a man who is actually more powerful – Mr. Big. Mr. Big