A Couple of Speaking Gigs

In the past week, twice I was invited to speak to people about what I do.

On Thursday, I was invited by a former coworker to speak to his University of Maryland Online Journalism class. So, I got to return to my old stomping grounds and got to see the brand new journalism building, which is amazing. The students all had Macs, which also impressed me. They were all required to get web hosting and get their own domain, which is already a step up from what other ‘established’ bloggers do. If you have a blog about a certain topic or sport, and you are established on the blogosphere, not having your own hosting and/or domain is pathetic, particularly now that journalism students get it themselves.

Anyway, I told the students some things about my sites and showed them how I use WordPress, the same publishing system they’ll be using. I even told them how Twitter can actually be useful, as well as other things about blogging.

The next gig came before the Capitals game on Saturday. Me, the folks from OnFrozenBlog.com and RussianMachineNeverBreaks.com were invited to the Capitals Fan Club’s blogger panel. They asked us questions and engaged us in discussion, and I had a great time. It was certainly the highlight of the day, considering the Capitals lost 4-1.

My grandmother was actually more impressed that I was invited to speak at these places than I was, but I must admit that I had a good time. Perhaps blogging is a true profession, after all.