Larry David Interview

Larry David is perhaps one of the most brilliant minds on television. Seinfeld and Curb Your Enthusiasm are classic shows. But what’s it like to talk to him?

I’ve gotta say, it’s not that exciting. Sure, he writes a good show, but he’s just as boring in real life as you’d think he’d be. He didn’t know the answers to lots of questions, didn’t seem interested in lots of things, had no opinions on pop culture. He was only moderately funny during the interview.

But that’s actually what I expected. He’s not exactly Robin Williams. I asked him when Curb is coming to syndication. He said, “I don’t know, September?” Who’s picking it up, Larry? “I’m not sure.”

Others asked him about movies, the late night show controversy, and television, and he had nothing interesting to say. He didn’t even say much interesting about his own show, actors he’s worked with, or odd stories from behind the scenes. He gets along with Susie Essman off-screen. Big surprise. I still got an article out of it.

Anyway, Larry is still a television hero of mine, but I did indeed curb my enthusiasm for this interview.