I Feel Right at Home

Back when I was in high school and college, I went through a phase where I wanted to write very controversial things to spark debate and generate feedback.

It’s been 13 years since I last wrote for University of Maryland’s Diamondback, where I simultaneously earned some of the best compliments I’ve ever gotten and heard the worst insults – over the same article.

With Gunaxin, I don’t have the same type of forum or audience, but my ability to draw vocal, obnoxious feedback continues. While silly top tens lists are bound to get feedback, finding other ways to strike a nerve, while generating huge number of page views, is the jackpot for a blogger.

This time, it was for my article “Ten Wars That Will Happen in Our Lifetime.” Huge web traffic. It cracked the code of the new Digg. The comments?

Some of the funniest I’ve ever seen. By that I mean anonymous, obnoxious Internet dorks who feel this was the worst article ever written and I am a complete moron and should die in a fire. Seriously? That’s their contribution to the comments? I mean, at the very least refute some of my points (which VERY few people actually did).

Coming up with that list wasn’t too hard. We all know India and Pakistan will go at it again. Israel will fight Hezbollah. U.S. vs. Iran. U.S. vs. Iraq again. Afghanistan civil war. Capping it off with World War III was silly, but hardly the spark that set many people off. I think what may have upset people were saying things like India will nuke Pakistan, and other sensitive things. But ultimately, I prefixed the article by saying that this is a humor blog, not Time magazine.

Moving on.